Saturday, July 8, 2023

JP6 All-pass - inverting BP

In my simulations and breadboarding I added an inverting op amp for the input to get AP. But what if we instead inverted BP? It is already 180 degrees off compared to HP and LP. 

I simulated this, and it looks like it works well. Instead of going from -360 to 0 degrees it goes from -180 to 180, which is just to say that the output is inverted compared to the input - just like HP and LP.

As I'm already planning on having an invert button/switch on the SVF this doesn't matter :-D 

It also saves me one opamp.

As for the opamp gain, to keep the gain at 1.48 (or 1.5, it probably doesnt matter too much) we can go with 100k input and 150k feedback, or 68k/100k.

I will try this now.

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