Tuesday, June 25, 2024

All things voice card related ordered

 ...well, almost - the digital parts remain.

But still - tonight I placed a huge order with JLCPCB, 5 copies of every card needed for a voice:


Pre-filter FX

Bus mixer

Bus mixer angled connector

Juno filter

Moog + JP6-filter



Ordering 5 instead of just 2 copies is kind of a gamble as I don't know if everything works yet. But the cost (excluding shipping) is only 50% more for five than for 2. I guess I just have to wait and see if the gamble pays off. 

I have yet to sign off on everything, but I expect that part to go smoothly. So while we wait, here are some cool board shots

3D model

I've used Fusion 360 to check that everything fits together and that we have the clearances between cards that we need. 

I COULD have converted the eagle designs into something that Fusion can read, but this is the next best thing:

All the cards making up the voice. To the left is the (yet to come) digital board.

The narrow board closest to the camera is the bus board. To the left is a combined Moog/JP6 board and to the right a dual waveshaper board. Top left is the bit crusher (the only PCB I am not redoing!), below it is the FX board. Below the Waveshapers is the VCO

Under the Moog/JP6 filter board is the Juno filter. I really wonder if this will work out, the spacing is very narrow and it may get hot in there. Also note the vertically mounted board connecting the bus mixer to the mainboard.

On to the PCBs

A panelized board containing two waveshapers, the FX board (ring mod, distortion and noise) plus a special board that will make it possible to mount the bus mixer board parallel to the mainboard but 3cm away from it

Another panelized board, this time it's the VCO, Juno filter and bus mixer boards

The third board is the dual filter PCB, containing the moog-style ladder filter and the extended JP6 state variable filter.

The CV board - made on a four layer card to minimise noise (hopefully). This one has 56 output CVs!

Finally, the mainboard. I've spent six months or close to 200 hours on routing this, I REALLY hope it works.

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